The Village Voice review, “Happy You Near (various)”

by Robert Christgau; January 25, 2000 Link to full article

Review of the CD, “Same Ol’ Timeously”

This long-overdue CD from a post-Luddite codger who prefers 78s features a unique guitar style only other folkies can hear and not a one of his endless supply of Dylan covers. Instead we get blatant blues and welcome Wobbly songs, cartoon heroes, throat-singing techniques learned from Popeye or a pet frog, and loving versions of “Teddy Bears’ Picnic,” “Let’s All Be Fairies,” and “I’m Gonna Eat Some Worms.” Also eight minutes of palindromes (damned if I can make the “Margy” in his sobriquet do such tricks) and a recitation utilizing but a single vowel (not counting—can’t fool me, Bearded Wonder—”Don Juans” and “ironical”). Inspirational uncontrovertible (sic) facts: “Rooks do not roost on spoons nor woodcocks snort/No dog on snowdrop rolls/Nor common frogs concoct long protocols.” A Minus

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